Fraud BlockerBedel Financial Welcomed Pamela Everhart to our 2016 Ladies Luncheon


Jun 13, 2016

Bedel Financial Welcomed Pamela Everhart to our 2016 Ladies Luncheon

Posted By: Bedel Financial

The 2016 Presidential election has become one of the most interesting in recent history. Where do the candidates stand on important policies critical to you?

On April 20th, our Ladies Luncheon focused on the upcoming Presidential election and its effect on those policies most critical to women. Pamela Everhart is the Senior Vice President and head of Regulatory Affairs for the Public Affairs and Policy Group at Fidelity Investments.

Pamela’s presentation focused on the current political environment in Washington D.C. as she shared her thoughts on how the next President’s policies will impact women and the economy. Many of the policies currently up for debate will have a profound effect on women, from equal pay to healthcare to income tax reform to retirement savings. As Pamela outlined each candidate’s stance on these top issues, she emphasized the need for women to be informed in matters of politics and policy.

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