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Image for Where Are You Putting All That Cash?

Jun 14, 2024

Where Are You Putting All That Cash?

With the Federal Reserve’s rapid interest rate increases, more options exist for your cash to earn interest. However, your bank may not be keeping up.

Image for Instant Gratification? Not So Fast

Apr 18, 2024

Instant Gratification? Not So Fast

It’s easy to opt for instant gratification when it comes to financial decisions. It feels good to spend money. However, you don’t experience the same reaction when you open the Amazon package or wear the new shoes compared to when you invest money in a Roth IRA.

Image for The Lost Years: The Untold Truth About Your 30s

Jan 22, 2024

The Lost Years: The Untold Truth About Your 30s

What people fail to talk about is how this phase of life is expensive and can easily throw a wrench into your financial goals – whether it’s saving for retirement or simply building and maintaining a solid financial foundation.

Image for Important 529 Plan Changes

Jan 17, 2024

Important 529 Plan Changes

Any Indiana resident contributing to a CollegeChoice 529 plan is eligible for a refundable state tax credit. Being an account owner of a CollegeChoice 529 plan is not a requirement to receive the credit.

Image for Student Loan Repayment: Back Like Never Before

Sep 27, 2023

Student Loan Repayment: Back Like Never Before

It’s not abnormal for borrowers to feel they are in a different spot financially since March of 2020. The pandemic brought about rising wages and allowed many Americans to stockpile cash.

Image for Retirement Plan Considerations when Changing Jobs

Jul 11, 2023

Retirement Plan Considerations when Changing Jobs

Each company’s plan will differ from others. It’s important to talk with a financial advisor to help advise what the best option is, how much to contribute, and what investments you should use.

Image for Millennials Doing Estate Planning

Jun 19, 2023

Millennials Doing Estate Planning

Millennials have traded in their flip phones for smartphones and DVDs and CDs for streaming. They’ve lived through world-altering events like 9/11, the 2008 financial crash, and the COVID-19 Pandemic. These technological changes and economic events have made millennials more adaptable to change and altered their thoughts about money and the future.

Image for Looking to Move? Down Payment Funding

Mar 14, 2023

Looking to Move? Down Payment Funding

Many young adults face the challenge of moving from their "starter" home to the next home. Buying, selling, and moving between homes is no small task.

Image for 2023 Contribution Increases

Jan 9, 2023

2023 Contribution Increases

If there must be a positive aspect to higher inflation, increased contribution limits and income thresholds for retirement account contributions are just that.

Image for Biden’s Student Loan Forgiveness

Sep 28, 2022

Biden’s Student Loan Forgiveness

Forgiveness can come in one of two forms. Borrowers that made payments during the pandemic forbearance period are eligible for a dollar-for-dollar refund, up to the $10,000 limit.

Image for Recent Graduates: Welcome to Financial “Adulting”

Jun 13, 2022

Recent Graduates: Welcome to Financial “Adulting”

The important concept is establishing habits that will set you up for financial success moving forward. So let’s focus on some simple strategies that will help you get started on the right track.

Image for 529 Plans & Tax Time

Mar 22, 2022

529 Plans & Tax Time

Some (not all) contributions to your 529 account need to be reported on your tax return, along with some (not all) distributions made from your 529. That's not confusing at all, right?