Kate Sullivan, CFP®
Professional Financial Planning Experience
- Professional experience includes assisting the financial planning team in providing thorough analyses in all aspects of our clients’ financial situation in order to provide sound recommendations to help clients achieve financial security.
Career History
- Bedel Financial Consulting, Inc. Financial Planner
- Bedel Financial Consulting, Inc. Financial Planning Coordinator
Education and Professional Designations
- Bachelor’s Degree in Finance, Financial Planning Concentration, Indiana State University
Professional Activities
- Board Member, Indiana Education Savings Authority (2022 – Present)
- Board Member, Indiana State University Alumni Association (2022 – Present)
- Member, Junior League of Indianapolis (2018 – 2023)
- Member, Financial Planning Association of Greater Indiana (2016 – 2022)
Rewiring Bad Financial Behaviors
Many people set out with the best intentions, but the problem with the leftover strategy is that money tends to burn a hole in our pockets. If cash is sitting in the checking account, we will find a way to spend it. Without making a point to save first, it's a crapshoot whether any money will be left behind for savings.
Income Tax Tips Every Retiree Should Know
The rules and strategies centered on saving for retirement in a tax-efficient manner fade to a distant memory, and a new set of rules around spending and withdrawing sink in.
Finally! Final Regulations for Inherited IRAs
Since the SECURE Act became law, Inherited IRAs have become exceedingly more complicated. The Final Regulations from the IRS for inherited IRAs only amplify the difficulty.
Instant Gratification? Not So Fast
It’s easy to opt for instant gratification when it comes to financial decisions. It feels good to spend money. However, you don’t experience the same reaction when you open the Amazon package or wear the new shoes compared to when you invest money in a Roth IRA.
Tax Planning for the Soon-to-Be Retiree
Retirees can maximize their retirement wealth by implementing tax-efficient strategies such as Roth conversions, realizing gains in the 0% bracket, and withdrawing pre-tax funds in the 10 and 12% brackets.
The Lost Years: The Untold Truth About Your 30s
What people fail to talk about is how this phase of life is expensive and can easily throw a wrench into your financial goals – whether it’s saving for retirement or simply building and maintaining a solid financial foundation.
Busting Common Retirement Myths
As you prepare for retirement, whether that’s in 25 years or two months, it’s important to keep your eye on what’s important. Develop strong habits (but not too strong!) early on for optionality that works in your favor.
Student Loan Repayment: Back Like Never Before
It’s not abnormal for borrowers to feel they are in a different spot financially since March of 2020. The pandemic brought about rising wages and allowed many Americans to stockpile cash.
When Wealth Goes Wrong
When you pass, you don’t get to take your money with you, so avoiding the common pitfalls of wealth transfer is best. Prepare your heirs, talk openly about money, pass along family values, and don’t be afraid to implement a trust.
Marry for the Money? Maybe or Maybe Not
Social Security benefits are an essential piece of many retirees' financial plans. Most people know they are entitled to benefits based on their own record or earning history, but did you know that you are also eligible for benefits on your spouse's earnings?
Are You Making These Common Tax Mistakes?
Unfortunately, even as tax prep software evolves, several common mistakes prevail. So how can you avoid these common (and costly) errors?
Financial Infidelity
There are plenty of reasons someone might conceal information or deceive their partner. For instance, a high-earning spouse may tell their partner they earn less because they fear their partner would spend more.