Fraud BlockerElaine Bedel Speaks at University of Indianapolis


May 1, 2014

Elaine Bedel Speaks at University of Indianapolis

Posted By: Bedel Financial

Elaine Bedel Spoke to the Student Business Leadership Academy at University of Indianapolis

Elaine was asked by Dr. Matthew Will, Director of External Relations and Associate Professor of Finance at the University of Indianapolis, to speak to the students of the Student Business Leadership Academy (SBLA). At the March 24th event, Elaine spoke of her personal story and shared what she has experienced in the business industry to offer insight to students who are interested into entering the business world.   

The SBLA is an organization at the UIndy’s School of Business that connects students

to business professionals through internships, events, and other personal growth opportunities to provide foresight into the world of business.

Elaine was also the featured speaker at the recent Academy of Finance Annual Conference at University of Indianapolis.

Elaine was the featured speaker at the recent Academy of Finance Annual conference on March 12, 2014 at the University of Indianapolis. Elaine spoke at the annual conference, hosted by Dr. Matthew Will, Director of External Relations and Associate Professor of Finance at the University of Indianapolis, to share with the students the experiences she has had throughout her career.