Nearly every woman will find herself in total control of her finances or her family’s finances at some point in her life. And being single or in charge of the family finances isn’t the only reason. Even the majority of women who currently share the responsibility of family finances with a partner will also, one day, find themselves in total control.
It’s critical for all women to develop money management skills. Our Women and Money eBook guides you through some of life’s most critical moments, each time illustrating the importance of being ready and able to make important financial decisions, as well as having the ability to understand when outside assistance and advice is needed. We’ve gathered a collection of information on a wide range of topics, including:
- Retirement planning
- Teaching children money management skills
- The sandwich generation
- The importance of family meetings
- Tax savings strategies
- Divorce/second marriage issues
Bedel Financial is a wealth management firm providing fee-only comprehensive wealth management services for young affluent professionals, accumulators, and those approaching retirement. Elaine Bedel founded the firm, which has since grown to 22 employees, in 1989. Bedel Financial actively manages over $1 billion in client investments.