Ryan Collier featured in The Financial Times’ Financial Advisor IQ
The Financial Times’ Financial Advisor IQ article “Safety Tips When Using Unconstrained Bond Funds” featuring Ryan Collier
Unconstrained bond funds are enjoying increased popularity these days, due in part to talk of higher interest rates, as well as fear that long-term bonds will lose momentum. However, unconstrained bond funds, also known as “go-anywhere funds” come with their own set of concerns. Because these funds are not linked to any specific index and invest in various instruments that seek to tap opportunities, there is some concern that some fund managers might load up on too many risky types of credit.

Ryan Collier spoke specifically to Bedel Financial’s thoughts and philosophy on unconstrained bond funds. He highlighted how the firm is careful not to allocate too much to any one unconstrained fund while also pairing those investments with different fixed-income strategies to help mitigate some of the risk inherent with unconstrained bond funds.