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Image for Instant Gratification? Not So Fast

Apr 18, 2024

Instant Gratification? Not So Fast

It’s easy to opt for instant gratification when it comes to financial decisions. It feels good to spend money. However, you don’t experience the same reaction when you open the Amazon package or wear the new shoes compared to when you invest money in a Roth IRA.

Image for The Lost Years: The Untold Truth About Your 30s

Jan 22, 2024

The Lost Years: The Untold Truth About Your 30s

What people fail to talk about is how this phase of life is expensive and can easily throw a wrench into your financial goals – whether it’s saving for retirement or simply building and maintaining a solid financial foundation.

Image for College Students:  Build Your Credit!

Aug 14, 2019

College Students: Build Your Credit!

As college students prepare to head back to college, it's also a good time to think about their credit. We have ideas for building your credit that will have you acing the finances portion of your college education.

Image for Millennials: Are You Falling Prey to Mistakes?

Aug 21, 2018

Millennials: Are You Falling Prey to Mistakes?

You’ve got one thing other generations wish they still had – time. Here’s how to make the most of your working years.

Image for Treat Yo’ Self (On a Budget)

Aug 8, 2018

Treat Yo’ Self (On a Budget)

Whether you’re a Parks and Recreation fan or not, chances are you’ve taken a day or two to “Treat Yo’ Self.” But can you splurge on a budget? While that might seem to be a contradiction, you can treat yo’ self without breaking the bank. Kate shows us how!

Image for Contemplating a Side Hustle? Not So Fast!

Jul 9, 2018

Contemplating a Side Hustle? Not So Fast!

The allure of extra money from a “side hustle” can be tempting to many and even necessary for some. While this extra influx of money can certainly be a positive, it’s important to fully weigh the pros and cons of a side gig and understand what it really means for you financially. We’ve laid out the areas to consider being starting your own side hustle.

Image for How My Spending Challenge Played Out

Nov 15, 2017

How My Spending Challenge Played Out

In August, Kate challenged herself to tackle one bad spending habit per month. Did she make it? Follow along as she discusses the outcome of her spending challenge and what she learned along the way.

Image for Millennials and Financial Literacy

Nov 25, 2016

Millennials and Financial Literacy

Studies have shown that Americans do not have a high level of financial literacy. Furthermore, millennials have been identified as the subgroup with the weakest proficiency.