Fraud BlockerBedel Blog

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Image for Are You Protecting Your Identity?

Feb 24, 2025

Are You Protecting Your Identity?

Avoiding a scam can be difficult, given the urgency and fear caused by fraudsters. Blocking calls and filtering text messages can help avoid some common scams. Avoid giving personal or financial information and resist the pressure to act immediately.

Image for Act Now! This Deal Won’t Last!

Nov 20, 2023

Act Now! This Deal Won’t Last!

Gift-giving can be fun and personally satisfying or a time of great stress and anxiety. Decisions on gifts, budget concerns, and time crunches can ruin your holiday spirit.

Image for Cyber Security and Your Money - Don’t Let Your Guard Down

Mar 6, 2023

Cyber Security and Your Money - Don’t Let Your Guard Down

We've heard this piece of advice too many times to count. But it bears repeating. Don't give out personal information. Your trusted financial institutions, government agencies, and credit card companies will not reach out to you to ask for account information or social security numbers.

Image for Fraud in Unemployment Claims

Dec 21, 2020

Fraud in Unemployment Claims

Identity theft criminals are always crafting new ways to tap into the financial resources of others. That's not going to change, even with a COVID vaccine. Earlier this year, my husband received a letter regarding an unemployment claim filed in his name.

Image for Cyber Security: Out of Your Control - or Not?

Nov 10, 2019

Cyber Security: Out of Your Control - or Not?

Nine million Americans are victims of identity theft each year, are you one of them? Find out which online activity creates the highest risk for identity theft and what you can do to protect yourself and your data.

Image for Mobile Payment Apps: Convenience vs Privacy

Mar 19, 2018

Mobile Payment Apps: Convenience vs Privacy

The popularity of mobile payment apps is on the rise, and it’s never been easier and more convenient to repay that friend or co-worker you owe money. But with that convenience also comes some risk. If you’re using an app to complete a peer-to-peer transaction, are you sure your personal information is secure and private?

Image for Equifax Victim?  Now What?

Sep 18, 2017

Equifax Victim? Now What?

Are you a victim of the Equifax hack? Here’s what happened and what you should do if your information was compromised.

Image for Cyber Defense Starts With You!

Dec 20, 2016

Cyber Defense Starts With You!

Cyber attacks on the Democratic National Committee and Yahoo have made headlines recently. In both cases, emails were hacked and important personal ...

Image for Cyber Security: How to Protect Your Investment Accounts

Nov 15, 2016

Cyber Security: How to Protect Your Investment Accounts

Without a doubt technology has made all of our lives easier. However, this increased use of technology gives hackers and thieves new ways to steal your personal information—without even breaking into your home!

Image for Hacked!  It Can Happen to You

Aug 15, 2016

Hacked! It Can Happen to You

The 2016 presidential election has been far from boring! One of the most attention-grabbing events involved the 20,000 private emails between members of the Democratic National Committee that were exposed to the public.

Image for Financial Fraud Against Seniors

Apr 18, 2016

Financial Fraud Against Seniors

Five million! That’s the number of financial fraud cases perpetrated against seniors in the United States each year according to a recent study by Consumers Digest.

Image for Cyber Insecurity: Your Information is at Risk

Feb 16, 2015

Cyber Insecurity: Your Information is at Risk

Anthem recently announced that the personal information of 80 million insured individuals had been compromised. The cyber thieves have both financial and medical identification data.