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Traditional vs. Roth IRAs
Between now and April 15th, millions of taxpayers can make a 2024 or 2025 IRA contribution. Understanding the nuances of Traditional and Roth IRAs can potentially lead to tax savings.
Inheriting an Inherited IRA
Two of the most notable changes of the SECURE Act were the elimination of the "stretch" provision for non-eligible beneficiaries and the creation of the 10-year rule.
How to Access Retirement Funds Before Age 59 1/2
Each method has its own rules and consequences for breaking them, so it is best to solicit advice from a financial advisor and consult with your tax professional/accountant to help determine which method is best for your personal situation.
Finally! Final Regulations for Inherited IRAs
Since the SECURE Act became law, Inherited IRAs have become exceedingly more complicated. The Final Regulations from the IRS for inherited IRAs only amplify the difficulty.
Inheritors of IRAs – Proposed Changes
Are changes to the SECURE Act on the way? It is important to be at the forefront of what is on the table so proper due diligence can be taken in advance of any enactment of proposed acts.
Inherited IRAs: Do You Know The Rules?
When the SECURE Act first passed, the rules seemed straightforward. In practice, we are now encountering individuals who have more than one Inherited IRA account and possibly different distributions plans for each one.
Old Employer 401(k)… Hmmm, What to Do?
Determining what to do with an old 401(k) is an important decision, but it does not have to be complicated. The Wall Street Journal recently reported about 30% of workers leaving jobs elect to cash out their 401(k) accounts and pay taxes – and often 10% penalties! Is that the smartest option?
ALERT: Should a Trust be the Beneficiary of Your IRA?
The SECURE Act has eliminated the option of "stretching" distributions of an inherited IRA over the beneficiary's lifetime. If you have named a trust as a beneficiary of your IRA, it may be time to review, rethink, and revise.
Tax Time! IRA Basics and Surprising Facts
As tax season nears, people of all ages have questions about IRAs. They may seem pretty straight-forward on the surface, but how much do you know about them? Let’s refresh your memory of IRA basics and explore some surprising facts.
Self-directed IRA: A Different Way to Invest
Could a market correction negatively impact your retirement accounts? A self-directed IRA would provide an opportunity to incorporate non-traditional investments into your retirement portfolio, but make sure you do your research before jumping in.
The Many Decisions of an Investor
You've just won $10,000. What now? It may be time to hire a professional to remove the confusion from your financial situation.
Roth IRA: Jump Start Your Child’s Retirement Fund
Chances are your teen isn’t thinking about saving for her retirement quite yet. But contributing now to a Roth IRA can give her a leg up on her retirement savings. Unsure if your teen will want to contribute any of her hard-earned money? No worries – anyone can contribute to a Roth IRA on her behalf. Read on for the details and what to watch out for.
You Inherited an IRA... Now What?
Inheriting an IRA can be a blessing. Dealing with the IRS distribution rules can be a headache. Understand your options!
Traditional vs. Roth 401(k) Plans
Given the choice, would you prefer a tax break now or a tax advantage later? The differences between 401(k) plan options can have substantial effects on your long-term financial goals.