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Income Tax Tips Every Retiree Should Know
The rules and strategies centered on saving for retirement in a tax-efficient manner fade to a distant memory, and a new set of rules around spending and withdrawing sink in.
Will Social Security be Around When I Retire?
Fears of Social Security totally going away are unfounded. However, changes are inevitable for a program on an unsustainable course. The big questions are when the changes will come through and how they will impact workers and retirees.
Tax Planning for the Soon-to-Be Retiree
Retirees can maximize their retirement wealth by implementing tax-efficient strategies such as Roth conversions, realizing gains in the 0% bracket, and withdrawing pre-tax funds in the 10 and 12% brackets.
Retiring with Employer Stock in your 401(k)? Consider this…
As hiring and retaining talented employees becomes increasingly competitive, it is not uncommon to see employers issue stock to their employees as an incentive. Due to this growing trend, it is also common to see individuals with a high concentration of employer stock within their sponsored retirement accounts.
Busting Common Retirement Myths
As you prepare for retirement, whether that’s in 25 years or two months, it’s important to keep your eye on what’s important. Develop strong habits (but not too strong!) early on for optionality that works in your favor.
Retiring Early? Avoid Withdrawal Penalty
The “Roth Conversion Ladder” strategy isn’t for everyone, but anyone considering early retirement should know about it. Pay the tax early, let the funds grow, count to five (years), and withdraw your principal both tax and penalty-free.
Retirement: Your Three Numbers
Retirement is a numbers game. Know your numbers and turn in your retirement notice with confidence. If you don’t feel comfortable running the numbers yourself, hire a financial planner to do the work for you.
Are You FIRE-d Up?!
Dreaming of retiring in your 30’s or 40’s but not sure that could be your reality? The FIRE movement (Financially Independent Retire Early) is increasing in popularity, but there are definite pros and cons to the movement. Be sure you’ve critically assessed your financial situation, and that your financial plan is structured to provide you the means for early retirement. We have the details…
Retirement Plan Options for the Small Business Owner
Running a small business can be extremely difficult. Choosing the right retirement plan can be just as complicated. These retirement plans will allow for the deductibility of any employer contributions you make on the employees' behalf.
Self-directed IRA: A Different Way to Invest
Could a market correction negatively impact your retirement accounts? A self-directed IRA would provide an opportunity to incorporate non-traditional investments into your retirement portfolio, but make sure you do your research before jumping in.
Retiring at 50: The Keys to Early Retirement
Do you aspire to retire at the age of 50? If so, you’ll need a fool-proof plan. In no special order, we have listed below the essentials to an early retirement.
What Should I Do with My Old Retirement Accounts?
Times have changed. Your parents may have worked for the same company their entire career, but we’re in the day and age of job-hopping.
Are You Sacrificing Your Retirement for Your Adult Kids?
Any parent knows how difficult it can be to watch your children struggle, and the urge to step in and help out financially can be a strong one. But it turns out you could be doing more harm than good, especially when it comes to your own finances. Be sure you’re funding your own needs, such as retirement and savings accounts, before you open your wallet to your children.
Maximizing Your Pension Payout Options
Pensions are quickly becoming a thing of the past, but if you still have one it’s important to understand your payout options once you retire. We explore the pros and cons of both options so you can make an informed decision.
Retirement… How to SPEND It
Retirement party – check. Packing up your office – check. Saying goodbye to your colleagues – check. So now what? Many people might answer “Visit the grandkids, travel, and do all the things I didn’t have time to do when I worked.” But what will your daily life look like in retirement? It’s just as important to plan your daily activities as it is those special times you’ll spend during your golden years, so be sure it’s part of your overall retirement plan.
What’s Your Retirement Vision?
Do you have a vision for how you will spend your retirement? If you have a spouse or significant other, does it match theirs?
Social Security Benefits for Your Spouse
As if Social Security isn’t confusing enough at times, Social Security spouse benefits can present a whole new set of challenges: When do you claim? Should you claim your benefits or your spouse’s benefits? How much of your spouse’s benefits can you claim? We’ve laid out several different scenarios to help guide you through what can seem like a labyrinth at times.
Retirement Communities: What’s the Appeal?
If you’re retired or planning to be soon, a Continuing Care Retirement Community might be a good option for you. Continued independence with the added bonus of on-site medical care, maintenance-free living and amenities galore can be a draw for many retirees. But it’s important to understand your options and the associated cost – all those amenities can come with a hefty price tag! Be sure you understand your options: Read on for all the details.
Self-Employed: Go Solo with a 401(k)
Are you self-employed and saving for retirement? Are you sure you’re getting the most bang for your buck with the retirement vehicle you’ve chosen? If you meet certain requirements, a Solo 401(k) could be right for you – allowing you to save more for your future retirement and receive a larger income tax deduction today! Read on to discover the benefits a Solo 401(k) could bring to you now and in the future.
Retirement Distributions: The Exception to the Rule
Would you like to retire early? Want to take funds from your retirement accounts early to help make ends meet until your Social Security or pension kicks in? You can – provided you meet the criteria and follow all the rules! We have you covered with all the details!
Game-Changing Financial Resolutions for 2018
What is your financial resolution for 2018? Our advice, start with: Reducing your credit card debt; Building an emergency fund; and Increasing your retirement savings.
Retirement Calculators: Accurate or Not?
A recent study puts into question the outcomes of retirement calculators. “Misleading”, “over-optimistic”, and “little help to consumers” are conclusions reached by researchers for the majority of online calculators tested.