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New and Updated 2025 Tax Laws
With the dawn of a new calendar year, some tax laws have been updated, some have changed, and others are set to end. You may want to bookmark this article and reference it as you move through the year.
The Gift that Keeps on Giving: Using an IRA to Fund a Charitable Gift Annuity
With the passing of the SECURE 2.0 Act, donors over the age of 70.5 can now make a once-in-a-lifetime distribution from an IRA to a Charitable Gift Annuity through a qualified charitable distribution (QCD).
Family Gifting Strategies
Awareness of gift tax rules is imperative when structuring a strategy. Whether gifting to adult family members or children, there are many ways to find a balanced approach to transferring assets.
Pros & Cons: Co-Ownership of your Home
Given the number of cons, seeking alternative methods to transfer a home to beneficiaries efficiently is suggested. If probate avoidance is a goal, a revocable trust or a transfer on death deed should be considered.
It's Gifting Season!
Whether you gift your time, drop cash in the Salvation Army bucket, or make larger donations to charity via appreciated securities, every ounce of your giving helps fund a greater cause.
Wealth Transfer Strategies
Invariably, the end goal is to lower the overall value of your estate to limit your estate tax liability. There are several ways in which to reduce your taxable estate.
New Tax Incentives for Giving to Your Favorite Charity - Your Questions
Did you know the CARES Act includes favorable tax benefits for cash gifts made to qualifying charitable organizations this year?