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Image for Ask Bedel

Oct 4, 2024

Ask Bedel

Welcome to #AskBedel, a weekly personal-wealth Q&A where you can ask financial planning and investment experts for advice. Each week we’ll be answering your personal finance questions, so be sure to submit your questions to

Image for Russo-Ukrainian War: Impact on the World Economy

Sep 16, 2024

Russo-Ukrainian War: Impact on the World Economy

The direct damage caused by war and conflict is clear and obvious in the nations involved. The indirect economic damage can also be immense in those countries as they often are restricted or limited in international global trade.

Image for Easing Like Sunday Morning

Aug 19, 2024

Easing Like Sunday Morning

Since they last raised rates in July 2023, the Fed has kept rates at their current level while inflation has declined significantly, employment has remained healthy, and GDP looks to be growing near 3%.

Image for Economy and Stock Market: Is this 2021 all over again?

Jun 24, 2024

Economy and Stock Market: Is this 2021 all over again?

With many of today’s economic trends eerily similar to those of a few years ago, are we doomed for another bear market downturn like the one we experienced in 2022? Is this another bubble waiting to burst?

Image for 1st Quarter Market Update

Apr 1, 2024

1st Quarter Market Update

While we may not be able to rely on a 10%-per-quarter pace from equities, there is still much to celebrate in how far we've come from peak inflation in 2022 and the economy's strength in early 2024.

Image for Factors in Predicting Fed Rate Hikes

Feb 26, 2024

Factors in Predicting Fed Rate Hikes

While Federal Reserve rate hike predictions are essential for navigating financial markets, their historical accuracy is subject to various factors and limitations.

Image for Is This Goodbye to Rate Hikes?

Jan 21, 2024

Is This Goodbye to Rate Hikes?

Chairman Powell, for the first time, discussed the possibility of lowering interest rates in 2024 to avoid harming the economy. This was a substantial change from the Fed's previous stance, which was effectively "it's too soon to talk about lowering rates.

Image for Did the Federal Reserve Stick the (Soft) Landing?

Dec 11, 2023

Did the Federal Reserve Stick the (Soft) Landing?

So far, Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell should be applauded for his decisions and results. Some may say the Federal Reserve put us in this position in 2021 when they believed inflation was transitory.

Image for Debt Ceiling Drama

Jul 11, 2023

Debt Ceiling Drama

Halfway through May, the headlines came daily. We would get several breaking news updates each day as we neared the end of the month. The press coverage became relentless, and the debt ceiling standoff was front and center of the attention of Americans.

Image for Is The Recession Threat Over?

Jun 26, 2023

Is The Recession Threat Over?

As we continue to monitor the inflation and economic data coming in, it is important to make sure your portfolio can withstand a bumpy ride should interest rates need to go higher than anticipated and tip the economy into a recession.

Image for How Strong is the U.S. Consumer?

Mar 14, 2023

How Strong is the U.S. Consumer?

In an ideal world, the consumer steadily spends money with zero credit card debt and a healthy savings balance. However, we live in the real world. Given the circumstances, the U.S. consumer is still in relatively good shape.

Image for Update from the Federal Reserve

Jan 9, 2023

Update from the Federal Reserve

While the switch from a 75-basis point to a 50-basis point hike may not seem like a huge deal, it is an important shift. The problem with interest rate policy is that while rate hikes go into effect immediately, their impact on the economy as a whole takes a lot longer to work through the system.

Image for 5 Ways to “WIN” Whip Inflation Now

Nov 8, 2022

5 Ways to “WIN” Whip Inflation Now

While the 1974 "WIN" campaign may have ended with a whimper for President Gerald Ford, its central message remains true today. When inflation starts to creep up, take a look at your budget and finances and make the necessary moves to offset rising costs.

Image for The Doves Have Left the Nest

Sep 28, 2022

The Doves Have Left the Nest

Statements by Fed Chairman Jerome Powell on August 26th poured cold water on the stock market rally. Powell has been using strong language to reiterate the Federal Reserve's position that tackling inflation remains the central bank's number one priority, and they intend to maintain this policy even if it causes "pain" to the markets or economy.

Image for Point of Interest (Rates)

Sep 16, 2022

Point of Interest (Rates)

Interest rates are on the rise! What does this mean for your money? Well, it could be good or bad news depending upon where you keep your cash holdings. We’ve outlined how rising interest rates could affect your loan rates, credit card rates, investment returns, and more. Read on to ensure you’re getting the most yield from your cash holdings while those rates continue to rise.

Image for Is There Relief in Sight for Housing Prices?

Aug 22, 2022

Is There Relief in Sight for Housing Prices?

How things play out will depend on the future supply of existing and new homes for sale, the health of the mortgage market, and the consumer's financial well-being. If you are looking to sell your home, you might want to do so sooner rather than later.

Image for Investing for the Long Term is More Than Just Talk

Aug 8, 2022

Investing for the Long Term is More Than Just Talk

While we know you get tired of hearing it, the best advice we can give is to stay the course and ensure that your portfolio is aligned with your financial goals. This is not just an empty platitude; we encourage it because it works.

Image for High Inflation, Strong Dollar…A Contradiction?

Jul 25, 2022

High Inflation, Strong Dollar…A Contradiction?

While a strengthening dollar has provided relief for US consumers against inflation, if the dollar were to fall against other currencies, this benefit would dissipate and expose Americans to further inflation from increasing import costs.

Image for Are We Headed For a Recession? Were We In a Recession?  Does it Matter?

Jun 14, 2022

Are We Headed For a Recession? Were We In a Recession? Does it Matter?

After the Federal Reserve began raising its Federal Funds discount rate, the headlines predictably shifted to guess whether these actions would cause an economic slowdown and a recession.

Image for Give your Portfolio a Boost: Diversify During Cyclical Markets

Apr 28, 2022

Give your Portfolio a Boost: Diversify During Cyclical Markets

Cyclical markets can be unsettling: increased market swings and volatility can scare even the most seasoned of investors. But these market cycles can be used to your advantage. Jonathan explains how to make the market cycles work to your portfolio’s benefit.

Image for Inverted – What the Bond Market and Top Gun Have in Common

Apr 4, 2022

Inverted – What the Bond Market and Top Gun Have in Common

Your investment strategy should consider the likelihood of experiencing the occasional recession. If it does, you have already factored slowdowns into your long-term plans.

Image for Why is Gas so Expensive?!

Mar 7, 2022

Why is Gas so Expensive?!

The oil and gas market is a complex global market impacted by many factors. Unknown variables (both economic and political) are sure to play a role in pricing, and economists continuously debate their relative importance.

Image for 2021 U.S. Economy – The Bedel Barometer

Dec 20, 2021

2021 U.S. Economy – The Bedel Barometer

The current score for the Bedel Barometer is +3. While we all know “past performance is not a guarantee of future results,” our economic metrics continue to improve with the slow reopening of the economy.

Image for Why Holiday Gifts May Cost More

Nov 29, 2021

Why Holiday Gifts May Cost More

We may be in the middle of the largest supply chain disruption since World War II. But what is the "supply chain," and how did we get into this mess?

Image for The Fed Tapering: What Does It Mean?

Nov 15, 2021

The Fed Tapering: What Does It Mean?

The rate at which the Federal Reserve has been purchasing assets is more than we have ever experienced. What signals does that send to investors, and how does the stock market react when the Fed buys or sells assets?

Image for Tough Time to Find Used Cars: Indiana has Best Value

Sep 20, 2021

Tough Time to Find Used Cars: Indiana has Best Value

Used vehicle price increases are frustrating to consumers who need a vehicle now. However, remember the negotiating power you hold for those who already have a used vehicle to trade-in/sell.

Image for Reset Your Expectations

Sep 16, 2021

Reset Your Expectations

Stocks inevitably encounter rough patches and periods of increased volatility. While investors have benefited from seven straight months of increases in the equity markets, it is important to remember the cyclical nature of markets.

Image for Take the Job or Unemployment?

Jul 12, 2021

Take the Job or Unemployment?

The impact of COVID-era federal programs and interventions is still with us. Barring an extension of the federal unemployment insurance program from Congress, these benefits will expire in just a few months and could provide a tailwind for employment and growth.

Image for Is This the Worst Time in History to Buy a House?

Jun 7, 2021

Is This the Worst Time in History to Buy a House?

Home prices have been soaring across the country, and new institutional investors are entering the market to compete with traditional buyers. With interest rates near all-time lows and home equity at all-time highs, current homeowners may enjoy a benefit when it comes to cashing out equity.

Image for Are Stocks Expensive?

May 10, 2021

Are Stocks Expensive?

Investors need to consider the current environment when managing their return expectations in the coming years. If you are becoming concerned about higher valuations and fear a downturn, a strategy to consider is becoming more defensive with your equity allocations.

Image for Summer Sizzle: $4 per Gallon Gas!

Apr 5, 2021

Summer Sizzle: $4 per Gallon Gas!

While gas prices in Indiana are often below the national average, experts predict that the U.S.'s average price could exceed $4.00 per gallon later this summer. As prices at the pump increase, other transportation modes are also likely to see meaningful increases in their prices.

Image for COVID and the Markets – A Year Later

Feb 1, 2021

COVID and the Markets – A Year Later

After a surprisingly strong 2020, the stock market continued to perform well through most of January. No one knows what the rest of the year holds, so make sure that your portfolio reflects your long-term goals.

Image for Inflation and the Great Fed Money Pump

Jan 18, 2021

Inflation and the Great Fed Money Pump

The role central banks across the world played in orchestrating an economic recovery cannot be understated. While their efforts succeeded in pushing the stock market to fresh record highs, the prospect of meaningful future price inflation as a consequence is very real.

Image for The Latest Stimulus, What Does $900 Billion Buy

Jan 4, 2021

The Latest Stimulus, What Does $900 Billion Buy

The positive impact from the previous stimulus has encouraged another package. For individuals that qualify for a stimulus check, the money should arrive shortly.

Image for Dow Jones: 30,000 Points?

Nov 16, 2020

Dow Jones: 30,000 Points?

Investing will always be met with uncertainty, whether the Dow is 20,000 points, 30,000 points, or 40,000 points. It is rarely a smooth ride to that next milestone.

Image for Q3 Market Update: Are We There Yet?

Oct 5, 2020

Q3 Market Update: Are We There Yet?

Are you prepared for what the last stretch of 2020 could bring? With a disciplined approach and a solid financial plan, you should be equipped to weather any storm.

Image for 2020 Halftime Market Update

Jul 13, 2020

2020 Halftime Market Update

Did equity markets fully recover from their March lows? Is the reopening of global economies sustainable, or are we on a path to another shutdown?

Image for Job Losses: Living in an Allentown or a College Town?

Jun 8, 2020

Job Losses: Living in an Allentown or a College Town?

There is no way to sugarcoat the numbers. The severity of the hit to our economy is unprecedented. Today's headlines may grab your attention, but what does this all mean about our future?

Image for Bonds: The Canary in the Coal Mine

May 18, 2020

Bonds: The Canary in the Coal Mine

Have you heard the expression about the canary in the coal mine? Canary birds were the first to react to unhealthy conditions in coal mines and served as a warning to the miners. Bonds can also be like those canaries, warning investors of a coming recession.

Image for Earnings are Falling: What Does That Mean for the Stock Market?

May 11, 2020

Earnings are Falling: What Does That Mean for the Stock Market?

With large swaths of the economy closed for part of the first quarter, expectations for corporate earnings headed south in a hurry. What does this mean for the stock market?

Image for Confusion in the Oil Markets

May 4, 2020

Confusion in the Oil Markets

Headlines recently proclaimed that the price of crude oil plunged below zero for the first time in history. However, you probably noticed that your local gas station was not giving away its fuel for free. So what exactly happened in the oil markets?

Image for CARES Act:  Benefits for Families

Mar 30, 2020

CARES Act: Benefits for Families

Recently, the "CARES" Act was signed into law. The almost 900 pages of legislation are jam-packed with programs designed to help taxpayers navigate the economic hardships. We've outlined the areas that are likely to impact people on a personal level.

Image for Perfect Recipe for Chaos: Coronavirus Crisis

Mar 23, 2020

Perfect Recipe for Chaos: Coronavirus Crisis

It’s unclear when things will be able to return to normal. So, how do you financially plan through periods of absolute uncertainty?

Image for Markets Don’t Like Unknowns!

Mar 16, 2020

Markets Don’t Like Unknowns!

Have you taken a look at your investment portfolio? During times of uncertainty, it is important not to get lost in the daily headlines. Concentrate on keeping everything in perspective. Let’s take a step back and remind ourselves of where we were not so long ago and look for where we might be headed in the next few weeks.

Image for Who Does the Stock Market Favor? Trump or Someone Else?

Feb 24, 2020

Who Does the Stock Market Favor? Trump or Someone Else?

There are many books and theories published around the correlation between election cycles and stock market cycles. Is it true that the stock market outperforms in an election year? We are here to debunk (or not) myths and share some facts.

Image for The Coronavirus - A Useful Reminder for Investors

Feb 17, 2020

The Coronavirus - A Useful Reminder for Investors

While the impact of the Wuhan coronavirus may seem temporary and relatively mild, the scare does serve as a useful lesson for investors. It is a good reminder to investors to expect the unexpected and to not act impulsively.

Image for Demystifying Economic Indicators

Nov 25, 2019

Demystifying Economic Indicators

Are you hearing chatter about an upcoming economic recession? Economists use a variety of economic data to formulate their opinions but they are often confusing and meaningless to everyone else. Here are some of the more common economic indicator data points and their significance.

Image for Circling Back on WeWork

Oct 14, 2019

Circling Back on WeWork

In July, WeWork was one of the most talked-about IPOs in years. At that time, we noted that it was too early to say what would happen, but said: “it should be very interesting to watch it all play out.” In the span of 30 days, WeWork went from one of the most-anticipated IPOs of 2019 to an indefinitely delayed IPO and a business looking like it could be in trouble. What went wrong, and what’s next?

Image for Strong versus Weak Dollar -  Which Is Better?

Sep 30, 2019

Strong versus Weak Dollar - Which Is Better?

Currency exchange rates around the globe are always fluctuating, including our U.S. dollar. Right now the U.S. dollar is “strong.” That’s a good thing for your wallet and the economy, right? Not necessarily. Economists can make a valid argument either way. Take a look at what determines the strength of a currency and the impact it can have.

Image for Want A Guaranteed Negative Return?

Aug 19, 2019

Want A Guaranteed Negative Return?

The recent sharp downward move in interest rates, coupled with recent downturns in the market, has created an interesting situation for some investors – guaranteed negative returns on nearly 25 percent of bonds currently trading. What could this mean for your portfolio? Read on for the details.

Image for Debt Ceiling or Debt Sunroof?

Aug 5, 2019

Debt Ceiling or Debt Sunroof?

What is the debt ceiling and why is it important? In the wake of the recent budget agreement, the debt ceiling has been temporarily suspended. What does the suspension of the debt ceiling mean, and how could it affect you? We’ve examined the recent deal and discuss the potential pitfalls of operating without a cap on the country’s debt.

Image for Will “WeWork” Work in your Portfolio?

Jul 15, 2019

Will “WeWork” Work in your Portfolio?

WeWork (now The We Company) is planning for its IPO either later this year or early in 2020. Is WeWork stock a good fit for your portfolio? While it’s still a bit too early to tell if WeWork will be a good buy, we’ve outlined potential issues to be aware of before you decide to buy.

Image for Market Volatility – Fodder for Financial Fears

Jan 21, 2019

Market Volatility – Fodder for Financial Fears

The Dow Jones and S&P 500 took investors on a roller coaster ride in December 2018. While the market volatility left investors feeling uneasy about their portfolios, it’s important to keep these fluctuations in perspective. We’ve compared the recent highs and lows to those of 2008 to better understand just how recent market swings really stack up.

Image for The Amazon Effect: How Big is the Economic Impact?

Dec 6, 2018

The Amazon Effect: How Big is the Economic Impact?

Chances are you’ve crossed paths with Amazon at some point recently – purchasing a Christmas gift, ordering groceries for the home, or even researching products and their customer reviews. But Amazon's impact extends far beyond the way you shop - but just how far remains to be seen.

Image for Can You Recession-Proof Your Investments?

Nov 12, 2018

Can You Recession-Proof Your Investments?

Recessions are a fact of life in the world of investments, but there are ways you can help to protect your portfolio from periods of economic downturn. Because no one can accurately predict just when a recession will hit, it’s important to be prepared. Read on for our tips and strategies on preparing your investments to weather the storm.

Image for Currency Risk from Emerging Markets Hidden in Your Portfolio?

Sep 17, 2018

Currency Risk from Emerging Markets Hidden in Your Portfolio?

If your investment portfolio is exposed to economies whose currencies continue to depreciate against the U.S. dollar, the risk in your portfolio can rise. What causes this and what does it mean to you? Anthony explains this growing trend and how to be sure you’re comfortable with the amount of risk in your portfolio.

Image for Bond Yield Curve: Indicating Recession?

Jul 16, 2018

Bond Yield Curve: Indicating Recession?

Investors, the bond market’s yield curve is indicting the possibility of impending recession! However, while the shape of the yield curve can be used as a tool to project the future health of the economy, it is not a crystal ball. Read on for a better understanding of yield curves and how this trend could impact you.

Image for Rising Interest Rates:  Impact on Investments

Jun 25, 2018

Rising Interest Rates: Impact on Investments

News of rising interest rates has been hard to miss, but if the economic jargon makes you anxious or you’re trying to ignore the topic altogether, you may have overlooked the impact this could have on your investments. We’ve pulled together a few basic points to help you feel more confident in the current economic environment.

Image for Tariffs and Trade Wars

May 21, 2018

Tariffs and Trade Wars

With so much talk about the imposed tariffs on China, potential trade wars, and possible retaliatory tariffs on the U.S., it’s hard to know what to believe. Are we really headed for a trade war? Read on to better understand the pros and cons of the tariffs game.

Image for Tariffs: Impact on Your Wallet?

Apr 2, 2018

Tariffs: Impact on Your Wallet?

Tariffs and trade wars and volatile markets…Oh my! You probably already know that the President has imposed tariffs on many Chinese goods coming into the U.S. But you might not understand what that means for the stock market, American corporations, and your wallet. We’ve cut through the hype to focus on tariffs and what they could actually mean for the economy…and your pocketbook!

Image for Highlights of Our Annual Financial Forum

Nov 3, 2017

Highlights of Our Annual Financial Forum

The featured speaker at Bedel Financial’s annual Financial Forum was Liz Ann Sonders, senior vice president and chief investment strategist at Charles Schwab. Liz Ann touched on a number of issues regarding the economy and the market. Here are the highlights!

Image for The Unexpected Economic Value of Volunteering

Aug 14, 2017

The Unexpected Economic Value of Volunteering

Everyone knows volunteering is a good thing to do. Volunteers touch lives and make a difference. However, volunteering also provides true economic ...

Image for Home Prices: Going Up Says the Magic 8 Ball

May 23, 2017

Home Prices: Going Up Says the Magic 8 Ball

Thinking about buying or selling a home? In Central Indiana, home prices have never been stronger! Will this trend continue? If so, how long? ...

Image for Dow Jones 20,000: Time to Sell?

Jan 30, 2017

Dow Jones 20,000: Time to Sell?

Dow hits record high 20,000! Can it go higher? Will the bottom drop out? Should you buy, sell, or hold? These are all good questions with no easy ...

Image for After the Vote:  Impact of Brexit

Jul 5, 2016

After the Vote: Impact of Brexit

The UK is leaving the EU. Reaction: Yikes! What does this mean to you and me? Nothing or everything? Why did they vote to leave? What will change and how quickly?

Image for Negative Borrowing Rates – Can’t Happen, Right?

Apr 25, 2016

Negative Borrowing Rates – Can’t Happen, Right?

In Denmark, it actually happened! You borrow money, pay no interest, and collect a premium to boot. However, as an investor, you pay the bank to hold your money.

Image for Greece Defaults - Now What?

Jun 30, 2015

Greece Defaults - Now What?

Today, Greek banks and the Greek stock market were closed, as they will be all week. Meanwhile the Greek citizenry are getting set to vote on a referendum that could determine whether they remain part of the European Union or exit.

Image for Does Inflation Matter?

Mar 24, 2014

Does Inflation Matter?

To most of us, inflation means higher prices. The grocery bill goes up, it costs more to go to the movies and to buy a car. But, what else is impacted by inflation?

Image for Should Investors Worry about Ukraine?

Mar 10, 2014

Should Investors Worry about Ukraine?

We live in a global community. Activities anywhere in the world can have an impact, positive or negative, on our investment markets. So, what about Russia and the Ukraine?