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Image for The 529A Savings Plan for those with Disabilities

Mar 22, 2022

The 529A Savings Plan for those with Disabilities

Caring and helping with financial support for individuals with special needs can be complex. The 529A plan is a good savings vehicle to enhance the financial wellbeing of those with disabilities.

Image for Disability:  It Could Happen to You

Oct 21, 2019

Disability: It Could Happen to You

Disability insurance can be a confusing topic – how much coverage, which definition of disability, elimination period…But with each working adult having a 30% chance of being disabled during his/her career, it’s crucial to understand disability insurance and how it can help you make ends meet if you become disabled.

Image for Financial Impact of Chronic Illness

May 20, 2019

Financial Impact of Chronic Illness

Heart disease, cancer, arthritis, and diabetes are all examples of chronic illnesses. One out of every two Americans has some type of a chronic condition. While this can be a physical and mental challenge, it can also have a financial impact.

Image for Employer Benefit Enrollment: Trick-or-Treat?

Oct 30, 2017

Employer Benefit Enrollment: Trick-or-Treat?

It’s that time of year when goblins ring your doorbell and employer benefit enrollment information pings your mailbox. Do you know if your benefits are a trick or a treat? Sometimes, you need to pull off the mask and find out!

Image for New 529 Savings Plan for Disabled Individuals

Apr 4, 2016

New 529 Savings Plan for Disabled Individuals

On March 21, Governor Pence signed legislation allowing Indiana to create the ABLE savings account for people with disabilities. These accounts have favorable tax benefits, but also some drawbacks. Regardless, this could be a game-changer for special needs individuals!