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Image for Child Tax Credit: Opt Out or Take the Money?

Aug 16, 2021

Child Tax Credit: Opt Out or Take the Money?

Earlier this year, the American Rescue Plan authorized a portion of the Child Tax Credit to be paid to eligible taxpayers monthly but don’t spend those funds right away. If your financial situation has changed, you may have to pay some of those dollars back!

Image for Enhanced Child Tax Credit – Do You Qualify?

Apr 26, 2021

Enhanced Child Tax Credit – Do You Qualify?

The American Rescue Plan (ARP) has more than just stimulus payments to offer. If you qualify for the enhanced child tax credit, be on the lookout for the IRS portal rollout in a few months. Many families have benefited from child tax credits in years past, but the enhanced credit differs in several ways.

Image for Summer Sizzle: $4 per Gallon Gas!

Apr 5, 2021

Summer Sizzle: $4 per Gallon Gas!

While gas prices in Indiana are often below the national average, experts predict that the U.S.'s average price could exceed $4.00 per gallon later this summer. As prices at the pump increase, other transportation modes are also likely to see meaningful increases in their prices.

Image for ARP Stimulus Payment: Are You Eligible?

Mar 29, 2021

ARP Stimulus Payment: Are You Eligible?

Just $1 too much could cost you your entire rebate. Reducing your adjusted gross income can help maximize your rebate without costing you a dime.

Image for Inflation and the Great Fed Money Pump

Jan 18, 2021

Inflation and the Great Fed Money Pump

The role central banks across the world played in orchestrating an economic recovery cannot be understated. While their efforts succeeded in pushing the stock market to fresh record highs, the prospect of meaningful future price inflation as a consequence is very real.

Image for The Latest Stimulus, What Does $900 Billion Buy

Jan 4, 2021

The Latest Stimulus, What Does $900 Billion Buy

The positive impact from the previous stimulus has encouraged another package. For individuals that qualify for a stimulus check, the money should arrive shortly.

Image for COVID-19: Q1 Market Update

Apr 13, 2020

COVID-19: Q1 Market Update

What initially appeared to be an issue that would primarily affect China quickly became a force that brought business to a virtual standstill around the world.