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Image for Here’s Your Early 2023 Checklist

Jan 30, 2023

Here’s Your Early 2023 Checklist

You are probably already aware of the perils of credit card debt. Credit cards are relatively easy to obtain and super easy to use. But they come with a big catch - credit card debt is usually very expensive. It should therefore be avoided whenever possible.

Image for The Many Decisions of an Investor

Jan 27, 2020

The Many Decisions of an Investor

You've just won $10,000. What now? It may be time to hire a professional to remove the confusion from your financial situation.

Image for And They’re Off...Triple Crown Advice for Graduates

May 5, 2013

And They’re Off...Triple Crown Advice for Graduates

What an exciting time of year! Graduates are coming down the stretch headed for the real world and horse enthusiasts are hoping that Kentucky Derby winner, Orb, brings home the Triple Crown.