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Rewiring Bad Financial Behaviors
Many people set out with the best intentions, but the problem with the leftover strategy is that money tends to burn a hole in our pockets. If cash is sitting in the checking account, we will find a way to spend it. Without making a point to save first, it's a crapshoot whether any money will be left behind for savings.
Ask Bedel
Welcome to #AskBedel, a weekly personal-wealth Q&A where you can ask financial planning and investment experts for advice. Each week we’ll be answering your personal finance questions, so be sure to submit your questions to
New Year, New Money Resolutions
Nearly half of Americans still feel the wrath of inflation and higher living costs, which is a great reason to go back to the basics with your financial-related New Year resolutions.
Busting Common Retirement Myths
As you prepare for retirement, whether that’s in 25 years or two months, it’s important to keep your eye on what’s important. Develop strong habits (but not too strong!) early on for optionality that works in your favor.
Personal Finance Hacks 101
Automation isn’t just for short-term needs. Many retirement plans allow you to automatically increase your retirement savings by 1% each calendar year. This small adjustment can often go unnoticed, but before long, you will have significantly increased your retirement account without lifting a finger!
A Life Well-Lived: How to Enjoy Your Todays While Investing for Your Tomorrows
Money does not buy happiness, but I believe that it can buy peace of mind. One way your money can do so is through an emergency fund. Having that box checked gave me permission to live a little.
Tempus Fugit – Time Flies
The most important thing about college savings was to begin. I do not know about other parents, but for me, one of my first thoughts after regaining my senses was about the cost of college.
Am I Doing This Right? Your Guide to Health Care Consumption
The health care industry is like a box of chocolates. With so many unknowns, it can be challenging to navigate the healthcare system. But remember, you do have a voice. It’s time to become an educated and engaged consumer!
What’s Your Biggest Waste of Money?
It’s easy for wasteful spending to go undetected, especially if you’ve developed any of these bad habits. You work hard for your paycheck, so make sure you’re spending it in the right places. We cover some of the easiest places to spend more money than you need to. Read on and then celebrate Financial Planning Month by reviewing your budget for wasted money.
Parents: 4 Tips to Help Your Student Ace Finances
High school graduations are just around the corner and in the past year you’ve likely spent a lot of time helping your child determine their field of study as well as the right college.
What’s Your College Student’s Financial Intelligence?
Your child is heading to college…The car is packed, and you’re ready to move her in. But aren’t you forgetting something? Have you talked with her about finances and making good financial decisions while she’s away? Now’s the perfect time to have that chat and make sure she’s ready to face all the financial intelligence “tests” she’ll encounter in college.
Put Your Finances on Autopilot
There are a plethora of tools that can help you streamline your finances – from automatic transfers to bill paying services to auto escalation for retirement accounts. Taking advantage of this technology can go a long way in helping you meet the financial goals you’ve defined, setting you up for continued success in the future.
Lifelong Gifts from My Financial Role Model
Who’s your financial role model? It makes sense to turn to experts for advice and guidance when it comes to things like investments, retirement planning, and tax strategies. But what many might not realize is that each of us has someone who shaped our financial literacy and perception of money at an earlier stage in life – be it good or bad. Kate shares three money lessons she learned from her financial role model – her Dad – and demonstrates the importance of playing that role in a child’s life, shaping their future perception of how to handle financial decisions.
Become a Millionaire…Overnight?
Everyone would love to be a millionaire overnight – so why isn’t everyone doing it?! While there are avenues to grow your money quickly, they’re usually filled with risk and, more often than not, lead to failure. Instead, follow our lead – living within or below your means, combined with saving and investing, can be that rewarding combination you’re looking for, without the high risk.
Emergency Funds: For When the Unexpected Happens
It’s winter in Indiana! Hit a pothole hard enough and you might end up with a pricey bill for the repair. Or, what if your furnace dies when ...
Teaching Kids about Investing
Most people would likely agree that teaching children about investing is a very important life lesson. However, if you try to have a discussion about stocks and bonds with most children, their eyes will quickly glaze over. How can you get them more involved?
Smoking and Financial Health
Smoking cigarettes will negatively impact your physical health. This is a widely known fact. Have you considered the financial impact?