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Image for Tax Changes Coming Soon?

Jul 22, 2024

Tax Changes Coming Soon?

Taxpayers underwent a dramatic change in late 2017 with the passage of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA). In another two years, we may undergo another dramatic shift.

Image for Planning for a Sunset with a Tax Planning Perspective

Jun 13, 2024

Planning for a Sunset with a Tax Planning Perspective

Private equity presents an enticing proposition for investors seeking enhanced returns and diversification beyond traditional asset classes.

Image for Tax Time: The Most Wonderful Time of the Year

Jan 29, 2024

Tax Time: The Most Wonderful Time of the Year

Tax season can be a stressful time for many of us. Spending extra time on preparation can make the whole process run more smoothly and avoid the kind of errors that a slapdash approach can engender.

Image for Tax Refund: Save or Spend?

Jan 15, 2024

Tax Refund: Save or Spend?

What should you do when you get a large refund? If you have any debt, specifically high-interest debt, one of the best uses of your tax refund would be to pay down that debt.

Image for Financial Considerations When Changing Jobs

Apr 10, 2023

Financial Considerations When Changing Jobs

As you prepare for a job change, be aware that you will likely have a higher income than in prior years and that higher income has some implications.

Image for Are You Making These Common Tax Mistakes?

Jan 23, 2023

Are You Making These Common Tax Mistakes?

Unfortunately, even as tax prep software evolves, several common mistakes prevail. So how can you avoid these common (and costly) errors?

Image for Amidst Bond Market Carnage - Any Opportunities?

May 9, 2022

Amidst Bond Market Carnage - Any Opportunities?

High yield, investment grade, long-term, and intermediate bonds have taken large hits. Only short-term and adjustable-rate bonds have largely escaped the carnage. So what is happening to the bond market, and what should you do?

Image for Married Filing Separately: Who Does That?

Mar 22, 2022

Married Filing Separately: Who Does That?

You may have decided to wait until the extended deadline of July 15 to file your 2019 tax return. If so, you may wonder what the "Married, Filing Separately (MFS)" designation is all about. What does it mean, and does it make sense for you?

Image for Market Sell Off: Consider Tax-Loss Harvesting

Mar 21, 2022

Market Sell Off: Consider Tax-Loss Harvesting

Tax-loss harvesting can be one of the few benefits of a market selloff. However, you want to make sure you can use that benefit on your taxes, so knowing the wash-sale rule is important.

Image for The Latest Stimulus, What Does $900 Billion Buy

Jan 4, 2021

The Latest Stimulus, What Does $900 Billion Buy

The positive impact from the previous stimulus has encouraged another package. For individuals that qualify for a stimulus check, the money should arrive shortly.

Image for Self-Employed:  Go Solo with a 401(k)

May 14, 2018

Self-Employed: Go Solo with a 401(k)

Are you self-employed and saving for retirement? Are you sure you’re getting the most bang for your buck with the retirement vehicle you’ve chosen? If you meet certain requirements, a Solo 401(k) could be right for you – allowing you to save more for your future retirement and receive a larger income tax deduction today! Read on to discover the benefits a Solo 401(k) could bring to you now and in the future.

Image for When College Planning Goes Awry

Apr 9, 2018

When College Planning Goes Awry

Not all education paths after high school look the same…so what should you do about that 529 if your child decides to take a different path than traditional college? The good news is you do have options. Whether it’s attending a vocational school, going into the military or immediately joining the work force, your 529 savings aren’t lost. We break down just what your choices are and how those will affect you.

Image for Retirement Distributions: The Exception to the Rule

Mar 26, 2018

Retirement Distributions: The Exception to the Rule

Would you like to retire early? Want to take funds from your retirement accounts early to help make ends meet until your Social Security or pension kicks in? You can – provided you meet the criteria and follow all the rules! We have you covered with all the details!

Image for Tax Reform and You

Jan 2, 2018

Tax Reform and You

1,097 pages! That’s how many pages are in the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, signed into law by President Trump on December 22nd. If you haven’t had time to read each page, we’ve broken down the main areas that might have the largest impact on you and your family. It might just be time to update your tax planning strategy for 2018!

Image for Flexible Spending Account = Money Saved

Nov 13, 2017

Flexible Spending Account = Money Saved

How would you like to save on your next pair of glasses or your child’s preschool tuition? You don’t need a coupon and you won’t have to negotiate a deal – all you need is a Flexible Spending Account.