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Cryptocurrencies: What IRS Wants to Know
If you are a cryptocurrency fan, heads up! As cryptocurrency investing becomes more popular, the IRS will shine a larger spotlight on tax reporting.
Q3 Market Update: Are We There Yet?
Are you prepared for what the last stretch of 2020 could bring? With a disciplined approach and a solid financial plan, you should be equipped to weather any storm.
Retirement Plan Options for the Small Business Owner
Running a small business can be extremely difficult. Choosing the right retirement plan can be just as complicated. These retirement plans will allow for the deductibility of any employer contributions you make on the employees' behalf.
Let’s End 2020! But don’t forget year-end tax planning!
Spend some time now getting your 2020 tax picture in order. In just a few months, 2021 will arrive. Here are several things to consider before the calendar turns over.
Set it and Forget it? Not With Your Financial Plan
Do not put your financial plan on the shelf and carry-on as usual. It's essential that you engage a qualified wealth advisor to help develop your financial plan.
How to Build a Post-COVID Portfolio
Bond yields are at historically low levels, and the Fed has indicated no interest in creating negative yields. How do you rethink what bonds mean for your portfolio? What's the best way to avoid disappointment in a post-COVID portfolio?
What’s Restrictive about Restricted Stock?
Restricted stock awards deserve just as much attention as other aspects of your portfolio, but understanding how they work hasn't been easy. Lack of knowledge can cause you to miss an opportunity to maximize your benefits.
Let’s Split the Apple!
Apple (APPL) is one of the largest publicly traded companies and has a market cap that recently surpassed $2 trillion! So why are they splitting their stock, and how will it impact your portfolio?
Act NOW: CARES Act Rollover Relief
According to the IRS, if you've already taken your RMD, there is still time to replace that distribution and avoid the tax burden. The ability to return the unwanted RMDs only applies to the amount of the RMD withdrawn — and it must be completed by August 31.
RMDs Are Suspended For 2020, What if I Already Took Mine?
Did you take your required minimum distribution before the CARES Act was signed into law? How does the legislation affect your RMD?
Got Cash…Want Interest!
This spring, the Federal Reserve lowered the Fed Funds rate to zero percent. This left investors scrambling to find ways to earn interest on their cash. Luckily, there are options available.
Old Employer 401(k)… Hmmm, What to Do?
Determining what to do with an old 401(k) is an important decision, but it does not have to be complicated. The Wall Street Journal recently reported about 30% of workers leaving jobs elect to cash out their 401(k) accounts and pay taxes – and often 10% penalties! Is that the smartest option?