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Finding Financial Advice and the Possible Barriers
What stops you from getting financial advice? The three barriers that I hear most are fear of the price; guilt that you should “do it yourself”; and lack of confidence in choosing a trustworthy advisor.
World Cup Soccer and Investing
The World Cup Soccer championship captures the interest of fans around the world every four years.
How to Survive a Divorce
Divorce is a traumatic experience. Financial aspects can create great stress. Settlement decisions are hard to make if you don’t have a clear and complete understanding of the family’s current financial situation and what your future may look like.
What is Bitcoin?
Bitcoin has been in the news due to the largest on-line exchange, Mt. Gox, suspending trading in February 2014 and filing for protection from creditors.
Does Inflation Matter?
To most of us, inflation means higher prices. The grocery bill goes up, it costs more to go to the movies and to buy a car. But, what else is impacted by inflation?
Should Investors Worry about Ukraine?
We live in a global community. Activities anywhere in the world can have an impact, positive or negative, on our investment markets. So, what about Russia and the Ukraine?
GDP and Importance to Investors
The GDP for the fourth quarter of 2013 was just released. It was lower than expected.
Investment Lessons Based on Seinfeld
Humor can be the best teacher! Have you ever considered the life lessons portrayed in a Seinfeld episode? Many can be applied to investing.
Tax Reducing Strategies for RMDs
If you are over 70 ½, read this article! The Internal Revenue Service requires you to withdraw a minimum amount each year from your retirement accounts. If you don’t need the money, you have options that can reduce your taxes either this year or in the future.
Is College Worth it?
With the cost of college increasing; students acquiring significant debt; and the sluggish job market, is it worth getting a college degree?
Elaine Bedel Provides Financial Advice in CNN Money Article
Twins stretch couple's $110,000 income thin
15% of Your Gross Income is What it Takes
All it takes is 15% of your gross income to make a huge impact on your standard of living and choices during retirement.